Thursday, September 3, 2015

Entity Framework - Specify Different Connection String Programmatically

I was pretty sure that I wasn't the first person to run into this problem - being able to specify a different connectionString entry for use with my entity framework DbContext class.  Most of the time having the one entry just works and all you need to worry about is adjusting the database location, username, password and sometimes the catalog as your application migrates from development, QA, and then (hopefully) into production.

But what happens if you are needing to use your EF DbContext class on to two different data sources in the same application?

Why I had to do this was I needed quickly get the QA environment ready for testing an upgrade by copying the entire content of Production.  This environment refresh included database as well as LDAP content (minus passwords) that needed to be in sync in order for the QA environment to function properly.  

I was left speechless when I realized that my entity framework constructor didn't, initially, allow me to override the name of the entry in the connectString section of the app.config file.  I was even more surprised at the numerous creative ways developers managed to get around this as illustrated by searching StackOverflow.  After reading over several different versions spanning the past few years I became overwhelmed and decided that, after lunch, I'd find another way to do what I wanted to do.  After all I surmised this process was going to be used by a highly technical and detail oriented staff and we could easily run a couple of different processes to get the QA environment refreshed.

But after lunch I had another thought and opened up the model's context class and looked at the constructor.
public SampleEntities()
            : base("name=SampleEntities")

My first thought was, it really couldn't be that easy.  Could it?  "SampleEntities" was the name of the connection string in my app.config file.  On hunch I added another constructor.  This time allowing a different name to be specified in the constructor.
public SampleEntities(string connectionName)
            : base("name=" + connectionName)

Once that hard work was completed I went over and tested it out.
using (SampleEntities entities = new SampleEntities("DestinationDatabase"))
                var customers = entities.Customers.FirstOrDefault();

It worked.  The key here is that the name provided in the constructor must match the name of entry in the connectionStrings section in your app/web.config file.  I was speechless, amused, and extremely happy this worked.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

JQuery Validation .valid() Lies....

I had the opportunity to develop an account management page that replaced an old ASP.NET/WebForms application. It was decided to make this application considerably more user friendly and more responsive - effectively we wanted to give it a good technology update.

The web designer did a great job putting together the new UI/UX - lots of modal pop-ups that allowed customers to change their settings and partial page refreshes to display those changes as they took place.

One key aspect that needed to be retained was the validation rules that prevented duplicate user names as well as duplicate email addresses from being saved in the database. These validations were to be handled consistently across the application so they were added as remote validations within the model class as illustrated below.
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Email Address is required.")]
[StringLength(100, ErrorMessage = "Email Address must be between 5 and 100 characters in length.",MinimumLength = 5)]
[RegularExpression( @"<trimmed for brevity", ErrorMessage = "Please enter a valid Email Address.")]
[Display(Name = "Email Address")]
[Remote("CheckEmail", "Home", AdditionalFields = "UserName", ErrorMessage = "This email has already been registered.  Please enter a different Email Address")]
public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

When using the [Remote] attribute JQuery Validation will, during the validation process, fire off an $.ajax() call to the controller/method you indicate. The method should be defined similar to that below:
public JsonResult CheckEmail(string emailAddress, string userName)
         if (this.repository.GetAccountEmail(userName).ToLower().Equals(emailAddress.ToLower()))
            // this is fine, use it
            return this.Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

         if (this.repository.IsEmailRegistered(emailAddress))
            return this.Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
      catch (Exception exception)
         this.logging.Error("Home/IsEmailAddressRegistered", exception);
         // don't throw...otherwise we'll send over default error page back to the .ajax call.
   return this.Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Basically a question is being asked - and a TRUE/FALSE response is required for the validation to fire correctly.  In this instance you'll notice that I attached the UserName in the call - this was because the email belonging to the user being edited was of course valid and exempt from the duplicate email rule.

In most cases the validation from this controller method will return an answer well before the user attempts to submit any changes back the server (email is second field on the add form, while first on the edit form).  However, there remains a slight problem with the JQuery $.validator object. When it invokes this remote validation on the server it won't wait for the return before returning a result when $(form).valid() is called.  It will provide a dirty answer - in other words, it will lie to you.  And end users will find these holes by simply entering an email and then clicking the button that fires off the save.

According to the project members of $.validate project on GitHub this isn't a bug, but a feature. While I agree with the logic presented in the ticket, I couldn't seem to find a solution within the validation documentation that would submit the data on the form to the server after all the validations have returned. In fact the JQuery validation documentation references that the submitHandler event handler should be the place where you do an $.ajax() form post after its been validated. Problem here is that submitHandler is invoked even when there are still pending requests in $.validator object. It seems no matter you do .valid() will return invalid responses until all the pending requests have been completed.

To combat this I found some code that will continue to process until two conditions are satisfied.

  • $.validator.pendingRequest counter must be zero 
  • .valid() method returns true.

The method below will get a handle to the form's $.validator() object. It then examines the pendingRequest value, if it is not zero, the function will exit. If it is zero, all validation $.ajax() requests have returned and its now safe to check the valid() method.  If it returns true we can safely post the data to the server.
function waitForAddFormValidation() {
   var validator = $('#addAccountForm').validate();

   if (validator.pendingRequest === 0) {
      if ($('#addAccountForm').valid()) {
         // push your data or form submit
You'll notice above that I tell the browser to stop calling the "waitForAddFormValidation" once the pendingRequest is set to zero by calling the "clearInterval" method.

Then during the button click event setup the method above to be fired at precise intervals.  This is illustrated below.
// Fired from the "save" button on the add account modal
 $("#addAcctAddBtn").click(function(event) {
    if (!$('#addAccountForm').data('changed')) {


        interval = setInterval(waitForAddFormValidation, 30);

In this instance I am first telling the form to validate - which will fire all the validations, including our troublesome $.ajax() call to Home/CheckEmail. Then I instruct the browser to invoke "waitForAddFormValidation" every 30 milliseconds until I tell it to stop.

In going this route I felt like I was abusing the $.validator object a bit - but frankly this worked well and I couldn't find any better idea to get around this problem.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Microsoft MVC - Fun with Views

Recently we developed, as part of an overall re-skinning/re-factoring project, a menu service. The purpose of this menu service was to allow all our MVC applications obtain a list of links of other applications that the current user had access. For instance - if the user had a video product we'd provide the link to the DVR manager application. The idea behind this service is that it would be called asynchronously during the application load - after the user had supplied their credentials - and then dynamically adjust the hamburger menu image on the top of the page. Once the service was developed and unit tested I had the opportunity to wire it up to a template project to see how it would be implemented across all our MVC applications.

The Menu Service

The call to the menu service was rather simple. The call was a simple Get to a URL. The pattern of the URL followed this format - Upon success the menu service would return the simple model illustrated below.
    public class MenuItem
        #region Public Properties

        public List Groups { get; set; }

        public string IconImageText { get; set; }

        public string LinkUrl { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }

So as not to get into too much the details here - but basically I'd get a link, an image name that would be displayed on the UI, and a normal name which to display within an A element embedded in a LI element. Upon receipt of the data from the service the following javascript would then be invoked to build the hamburger menu.
$.each(data, function (key, value) {
  • " + + "
  • "); });
    Really nothing dramatic or even that exciting here.

    User? What User?

    So you may have noticed the URL pattern above required that it be supplied with a user name - preferably the user name of the person that logged into the site. The question then was so how best to accomplish this? Mind you this call was going to happen on the client in their web browser.

    The first idea was to simply add the user name into the model being passed in the view by the controller. This had some very time consuming implications. This would require that EVERY controller method return a model (we have a few that don't) and that each model come with a "built in" UserName property. Additionally this new property would have to be populated EVERYTIME. And that this property would have to added to each view as a hidden field. Finally every application would have to be retested to make sure the UserName property was populated and that menu service was called properly. This was removed from consideration because of the considerable weight of the code changes and testing that would need to take place.

    The second idea was to create a variable in the ViewBag. This seemed easy enough. With each controller's constructor method (or the constructor of its parent class) fetch the user name. But wait - the constructor doesn't allow the [Authorize] attribute. So maybe move it into the methods that return a view? Sure that might work. However, there are few problems with this approach. First - this would be something that would need to be added on EVERY method call (except the constructor) in the controller. Second - our development follows a specific pattern where the core of the application is developed first (behaviors, models, views, and simply getting it work). Final design tweaks are made my the web designer to ensure compliance to our visual design standards. Finally after the code is reviewed by peers the security layer (Windows Identity Foundation/ADFS) is added into the solution. So you won't be getting the identity claims util you are nearly done - meaning there'll be a lot of code written in each controller (or on its parent) to handle the fact there are no claims. This was also removed as option because every controller object in every application would have to be touched to make this change.

    The final idea was to leverage the Razor engine a bit more than we've normally done. It occurred to us that the changes could occur in one place across all the applications. The beauty behind this approach is that this one place was going to be changed as part of the re-skinning effort anyway. The place to make this change was within the _Layout.cshtml file. Before the @RenderBody() would occur this code was placed in the layout file:
            @if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                // Get the user name from the claims and set it as a hidden input on the page!
                var claimsId = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity;
    Basically obtain the user name from the custom claims that is populated after the user has been authenticated. If authentication hasn't occurred send over a default or dummy user account (default user name to be determined as of this writing). Once you have the user name the rest is rather easy - call the menu service upon the document ready, get the links, and add them to the hamburger menu.
            // Menu retrieve
            var userName = $("#claims-user-name").val();
                url: '@WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("MenuServiceUrl")' + userName,
                type: "GET",
                //crossDomain: true,
                //data: formData,
                success: function (data) {
                    $.each(data, function (key, value) {
  • " + + "
  • "); }); }, error: function (errorThrown) { // there was an error with the post $("#inlinenavigation").text("ERROR"); } });
    You'll also note there that the Url of the menu service is pulled from the configuration file - this allows different menu services in each environment (Dev, QA, Production) to be invoked